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David Heintz
A & H Electric Co.
3505 N. Loop 336 West
Conroe, Texas 77304
Office: (936) 756-0442

Gain Confidence And Learn How To Replace Your Own Outlets

Are you interested in upgrading one or more outlets in your home but have no idea how to? Do you need to replace a damaged outlet? If yes, to either of these questions, then this is the blog post for you!

The idea of changing an outlet usually gets mixed feeling from many people. Some people will either know how to do it with no problems and others may have a fear of getting electrocuted which can prevent them from ever learning how. Whatever the reason, many people fail to learn how to replace an outlet, which is a very simple and basic home repair.

So, whether you are updating an old outlet or replacing a damaged outlet, these step-by-step instructions will help you ensure a smooth replacement while giving you confidence in your actions.

What You Need:

  • Outlet
  • Outlet Cover
  • Flathead and Philip Screwdrivers
  • Wire Stripper

When changing outlets, it is important to remember to shut the power off in the area where the outlet is located.

You can do this by turning off the switch in the fuse box to the specified location. Once the power has been shut off, the next thing to do is test the outlet. Plug a small appliance in the outlet to test if the outlet has no power. If the appliance is off, you have turned off the right circuit switch, if not, go back to the fuse box and locate the correct switch.

Once the power is off, grab your tools and begin replacing the outlet:

  1. Remove the outlet cover with a flathead screwdriver and place aside.
  2. Unscrew the two outlet screws and pull “old” outlet from wall, carefully.
  3. Unscrew one wire from the old outlet and then use the wire stripper to expose more wire.
  4. Take the exposed wire and using a Philip screwdriver, screw the wire onto the new outlet on the same position as it was on the old outlet.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have unscrewed, stripped, and screwed in all stripped wires to the correct location on the new outlet.
  6. Place new outlet back into wall and screw the outlet cover back in place.
  7. Turn the circuit switch to the outlet back on and test the outlet.
  8. Enjoy you’re new and upgraded outlet!

If you would like any advice from your Electrician Experts, please contact us today for your questions at (936) 756-0442.

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