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David Heintz
A & H Electric Co.
3505 N. Loop 336 West
Conroe, Texas 77304
Office: (936) 756-0442

Let The Temperature Rise This Summer, Not Your Electric Bill!

How To Save Money On Your Electric Bill - Houston, Texas
Every summer, the electric bill begins to rise alongside the rising temperatures outside. One gets hotter while the other burns holes in your pockets, but is there anything you can do about this? Of course, it begins with being aware!

By becoming more aware of yourself and your surroundings, you can begin to see the big picture. How much are you actually spending on fast food or do you remember turning off the lights once you leave a room? Becoming observant can help you save money, and even better, save money on your electric bill.

Turn Lights OffThe simplest yet most forgetful task you can do is to simply turn off the lights. Let me be more specific; Always remember to turn off the lights in a room you are exiting. This can be harder for children, but with the right reminders and motivation, you can get your whole family performing this money saving task.

Next, is to use your ceiling fans to cool your apartment or house. You could you your A/C unit and then turn it off after the home is cooled off and then follow it up with the ceiling fans. It takes more power to run the A/C than the ceiling fan and the same goes for the microwave. If possible, when you are warming up meals or cooking a quick and easy meal, try using the microwave instead of the oven. This too can help you save money on your electricity bill.

Another thing you could do is close all blinds and windows in the house. Keep the cool air in and leave the hot air outside. Combining all of these simple tasks can surely save you more money on your electricity bill this summer. Just remember to be aware of yourself and what you do around you. This can help you increase savings versus spending it all on your electric bill.


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